Disorderly and Abandoned is a photographic project documenting former working brothels in Nevada.
Shady Lady Ranch, 2015Bobbies Buckeye Bar and Brothel, 2015Hot Tub, Strippers Hall of Fame, 2015Bikini’s Gentleman’s Club, 2015Angel’s Ladies Brothel, 2015 Bobbies Buckeye Bar, 2015Piano, Bobbies Buckeye Bar and Brothel, 2015Room 2, Bobbies Buckeye Bar and Brothel, 2015Five Beds, Cottontail Ranch, 2015Room, Cottontail Ranch, 2018Plane, Angle’s Ladies, 2018Green Kitchen, Bobbies Buckeye Bar, 2015Pink Room, Bobbies Buckeye Bar, 2015Cigarette Machine and Licenses, Bobbies Buckeye Bar, 2015Pink Hallway, Bobbies Buckeye Bar , 2015Hot Tub, Cottontail Ranch, 2015
Room 1, Cottontail Ranch, 2015
Bartop, Bobbies Buckeye Bar, 2015Pink Hot Tub, Bobbies Buckeye Bar, 2015Room 1, Bobbies Buckeye Bar, 2015